List of publications 2020-2023
- *Béchard, B., Ouimet, M., Hodgetts, H. M., Morneau-Guérin, F., & Tremblay, S. (in press). Political Complexy and the pervading role of ideology in policy-making. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making.
- Chamberland, C., Bransi, M., Boivin, A., Jacques, S., Gagnon, J., & Tremblay, S. (2023). The effect of augmented reality on preoperative anxiety in children and adolescents: A randomized controlled trial. Pediatric Anesthesia. Advance online publication.
- Hodgetts, H. M., *Packwood, S., Vachon, F., & Tremblay, S. (2023). A microworld simulation of dynamic cognition as a test of executive function. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 45, 165-181.
- *Marois, A., *Labonté, K., Lafond, D., Heather, N., & Tremblay, S. (2023). Cognitive and behavioral impacts of two-decision support modes for judgmental bootstrapping. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 17, 215-235.
- Dubé, E., MacDonald, S. E., Manca, T., Bettinger, J. A., Driedger, S. M., Graham, J., ... & Tremblay, S. (2022). Understanding the influence of web-based information, misinformation, disinformation, and reinformation on COVID-19 vaccine acceptance: Protocol for a multicomponent study. JMIR Research Protocols, 11, e41012.
- *Gagnon, J., *Khau, M., *Lavoie-Hudon, L., Vachon, F., Drapeau, V., & Tremblay, S. (2022). Comparing a fitbit wearable to an ECG gold standard as a measure of heart rate under psychological stress: A validation study. JMIR Formative Research, 6, e37885.
- *Ramon-Alaman, J., Marois, A., Salvan, L., *Lavoie-Hudon, L., Lafond, L., Yan, S., & Tremblay, S. (2022). Integration of policy capturing for online support of pilot decisions in an aircraft simulation. In The International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft System (ICCAS), Toulouse, France.
- Labonté, K., Lafond, D., Chatelais, B., Hunter, A., Akpan, F., Neyedli, H. F., & Tremblay, S. (2021). Combining process tracing and policy capturing techniques for judgment analysis in an anti-submarine warfare simulation. In Proceeding of the 65th annual meeting of the human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Virtual, (1557-1561). SAGE Publishing.
- *Lavoie-Hudon, L., Lafond, D., Labonté, K., & Tremblay, S. (2021). Cognitive shadowing for learning opponents in a strategy game experiment: Using Machine learning to counter players' strategies. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Virtual, (308-313). ACM.
- *Marois, A., Hodgetts, H. M., *Chamberland, C., *Williot, A., & Tremblay, S. (2021). Who can best find Waldo? Exploring individual differences that bolster performance in a security surveillance microworld. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35, 1044-1057.
- *Marois, A., Roy-Noël, J., Lafond, D., *Williot, A., Harvey, E. R., Martin, B., & Tremblay, S. (2021). Adaptation of a gaze-aware security surveillance support tool for augmented reality. In International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies, Virtual, (781-789).
- Rosanne, O., Albuquerque, I., Cassani, R., Gagnon, J.-F., Tremblay, S., & Falk, T. H. (2021). Adaptive filtering for improved EEG-based mental workload assessment of ambulant users. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 341.
- *Parent, M., Roy, A., Gagnon, C., Lemaire, N., Deslauriers-Varin, N., Falk, T. H., & Tremblay, S. (2020). Designing an explainable predictive policing model to forecast police workforce distribution in cities. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 62, 52-76.
- Albuquerque, I., Tiwari, A., *Parent, M., Gagnon, J.-F., Lafond, D., Tremblay, S., & Falk, T. H. (2020). WAUC: A multi-modal database for mental workload assessment under physical activity. Frontiers in Neurosciences, 14, 1-15.
- *Labonté, K., Lafond, D., Hunter, A., Neyedli, H., & Tremblay, S. (2020). Comparing two decision support modes using the Cognitive Shadow online policy-capturing system. In Proceedings of the 64th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Virtual, (1125-1129).
- *Marois, A., Lafond, D., *Williot, A., Vachon, F., & Tremblay, S. (2020). Real-time gaze-aware cognitive support system for security surveillance. In Proceedings of the 64th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Virtual, (1145-1149).
- *Marois, A., Lafond, D., Vachon, F., Harvey, E. R., Martin, B., & Tremblay, S. (2020). Mobile real-time eye tracking for gaze-aware security surveillance support systems. In International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration, Modène, Italie (201-207).
- *Parent, M., Albuquerque, I., Tiwari, A., Gagnon, J.-F., Lafond, D., Tremblay, S., & Falk, T. H. (2020). PASS: A multimodal database of physical activity and stress for mobile passive body/brain-computer interface research. Frontiers in Neurosciences, 14, 1274.
- Tiwari, A., Cassani, R., Gagnon, J. F., Lafond, D., Tremblay, S., & Falk, T. H. (2020). Movement artifact robust mental workload assessment during physical activity using multi-sensor fusion. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Toronto, Canada (3471-3477).
- Tiwari, A., Cassani, R., Gagnon, J.-F., Lafond, D., Tremblay, S., & Falk, T. H. (2020). Prediction of stress and mental workload during police academy training using ultra-short-term heart rate variability and breathing analyses. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine et Biology Society, Montréal, Canada (4530-4533).
- Tremblay, S., *Labonté, K., Neyedli, H., & Lafond, D. (2020). A New Approach to Intelligent Assistance: Cognitive Shadow. In 1st International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems - ICCAS, Toulouse, France.
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